I'm Kay. I've been blogging since grad school and my ramblings can currently be found at Have You Been Outside Lately?
In terms of vital statistics...
I am 30 years old, have lived in 6 states and have had at least a dozen addresses since finishing my masters degree in environmental policy in 2005. Originally from the Motor City, I moved to the Mile High City over the summer and think it's a fantastic place. I love reading, running, swimming, hiking, quilting, cooking and, of course, blogging; although I never seem to have enough hours in the day to truly engage in all of my hobbies on a regular basis.
Despite being born and raised in the Catholic Church, I spent several years attending Baptist services while in high school (they had a better youth group), Congregational services while in grad school (I was sick of the Catholic Church contunually asking for my money and telling me how to vote) and some Presbyterian services after that (I liked listening to their choir, what can I say?). In the end, I went back to Catholicism because I found comfort in it when I was living far away from my family. Even though we weren't in the same pew together on Sundays, it often felt like we were and that's still (among other things) what takes me back week after week.
Almost a year and a half ago, I married my perfect match (also a lifelong Catholic, although he had a Catholic School education, so he is far more versed on the theology than I am). We have an almost seven week old son who is the most adorable kid in the world (yes, I'm probably a bit biased...I'm sure your kids are all super cute, too =). I must admit, it's a good thing he's so cute because he sure screams a lot...all night long...never sleeps...might end up being an only child if he keeps this up, but I digress...
I'm currently on maternity leave from a job that I love, but am slightly dreading returning to because it means leaving my baby at day care for eight whole hours a day (what seems like an eternity!). And, I'm still a little curious about how exactly I'm going to function at work when I'm only getting 3-4 hours of sleep in any given 24 hour period. Again, digression...
This, I suppose, brings me to my views on feminism. I consider myself an advocate for women. I think we deserve all the same rights and opportunities as men and we should have voices and opinions that are considered and respected in all realms of dialog -- from our own homes to the world stage if that is our choice. I love and admire all of my girlfriends for all the wonderful things they have done with their lives (they are doctors, missionaries, youth pastors, zoologists, teachers, photographers, scientists, counselors, engineers, etc), but I was often shocked when my friends would give up their careers to (YIKES) become a stay-at-home Mom (?!).
"What about how hard you've worked to get that job?," I would ask. "What about all those years of college and grad scool and post-doc? Do you really think that reading Dr. Seuss and changing diapers is going to challenge your mind and satisfy your life's ambitions?"
Sigh. I just didn't get it.
Now, I think I am getting it, although it's turning me a bit topsy-turvy in the sense that what I thought feminism and equal rights and liberation were really all about have suddenly become all mixed up with my newfound appreciation for what the female body is capable of in bringing new life into this world and sustaining and nurturing it through infancy and beyond. Being a Mom is challenging and satsfying and beautiful and rewarding, too. Just in a slightly different way than education and careers. It's all been very confusing (and probably hormonal, too), but quite enlightening at the same time (by the way, I'm truly sorry if I ever insulted any of you working-girls-turned-Mommies with my former disbelief at your decisions to stay home - again, I get it now...I think).
Anyway, I'm excited about delving more into my changing view of being a woman and I thank you for allowing me to be part of this book club adventure with all of you wonderful ladies. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you.
Oh, and I ordered my book today.
Dust it off
6 years ago
I look forward to getting to know you. I have a lot of thoughts about "working" mothers but not much experience since all the women in my family stayed at home full time. I don't think that is the path for me & I am eager to see how other women balance their lives.
ReplyDeleteKay- Look forward to getting to know you! It sounds like you're going to have an interesting perspective to add to this discussion. Congrats on the new baby!
ReplyDeleteYou are right - your little man is super cute! I am so glad you decided to join the book club and I am so looking forward to hearing your perspective!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your honesty and I know many women, who, like you...got turned "topsy-turvy" through motherhood!
ReplyDeleteYour little boy is so cute!
ReplyDeleteI can sympathize with you though, I used to have the same "SAHM are crazy" kind of thoughts, but over the last few years have begun to see more and more that a truly focused and committed SAHM (not the stereotypical "desparate houswife" kind of character)can be such a blessing and truly a monumental undertaking! I think after the first headspinning realizations that it's not a crazy, backwards thing to do, it becomes easier to see that its just another valuable choice we have.
Oh, Kay, we share a lot of the same hobbies!
ReplyDeleteI am soo excited to get to be a tiny part of your journey as a new mother! I imagine you're going to have some great insights to share, and really appreciate your honesty as you figure out how you will live motherhood. I too was appalled by SAHMs at first, but have really come around a lot. And yes, your baby is adorable. The green-eyed monster might've come out as soon as I saw the picture :)
"I went back to Catholicism because I found comfort in it when I was living far away from my family."
ReplyDeleteThat's funny! I do the same thing...drive across town to a church that resembles the one from back home...just because it makes me feel closer to my family!
Glad to have you here to discuss this book!