Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dear Ladies

Hello all.

I love, love, LOVE reading all your wonderful posts. Unfortunately, I doubt I will have a lot of time to add my two cents. I have a lot of stuff weighting on my heart and mind lately and I barely have the time or energy to do anything. (I'll fill y'all in later on my personal blog.)

I will however continue to follow this blog closely and contribute when I can. I want to put the Ladies Who Blog Book Club button on my own blog, but I forgot how!

Anyways, you ladies are such an inspiration and I love reading your thoughts. You have no idea how bummed out I am that I can't get more involved! I can't wait to keep reading your thoughts!

God bless you wonderful ladies!


  1. I am sorry that you are so stressed. :-( I hope that things get better soon!

  2. Oh Maggie, I'm so sorry that you're feeling overwhelmed. If you want to chat or want specific prayer intentions, shoot me an email. <3

  3. Ditto to Sarah. This blog is for enjoyment, not for stress, so no worries about not being able to post! We'll be thinking of and praying for you!

  4. And I agree with the 1st three comments - prayers that things ease soon; if you would like specific prayer intentions, please let me know, and join us
